Reduce chronic disease in your practice,
without headcount or headache

Increase practice volumes with preventative care

Engage your patients in their own preventative care

Steer complex cases to humans, where it matters

Route patients who require attention to your staff, while automating check-up reminders 

Limit administrative burden on your staff

Free up time from your Physician Assistants and admin staff from following up with patients - Vate handles calls seamlessly

Our approach to targeting chronic disease:
it starts with the patient

Identify high risk + high gap patients

Identify top chronic diseases in your panel from your EHR like cardiovascular, kidney disease, and diabetes

Rapidly find members with high risk of chronic disease and screening gaps 

Influence with empathy

It starts with a phone conversation. 70-80% of calls are straightforward and guided by VateTalk, our highly human, empathetic AI-trained voice chat. 

The remainder are routed to our human in-the-loop, trained and ready to respond to any complex situations

Throughout, we use behavioral change theory to help patients overcome mental barriers toward visiting their provider for preventative care


Help your administrative staff stay hands-off

VateTalk helps schedule patients for preventative visit appointments in your practice management or appointment scheduling tool via APIs


VateGuide equips your Providers with EHR-backed recommendations on diseases to screen for, based on their risk/gap profile. We help providers close HCC gaps that were identified during stratification

You care for your patients.

Let Vate help you re-engage them in their care